Decoded Pride Issue #2 is on sale now with stories and comics being released daily throughout the month of June! Queer Spec is proud to bring this Pride month, story-a-day anthology of speculative fiction back for a second year!
From sexy face-stealing ladies in big hats to time weavers falling in love, we’ve got stories that are sure to entertain, delight, and change how you think of speculative fiction. These are the stories queer and trans creators want to tell, the way they want to tell them!
Every contributor is paid for their comic or story–and together with our subscribers, we’re proving there’s an audience for queer and trans speculative fiction created by queer and trans people.
Buy a subscription to Decoded Issue #2 today for only $14.99 to get access to all 30 queer and trans comics and fiction as they come out. You’ll also receive a full-color PDF of the Issue after June concludes, as well as eBook formats. Your subscription ensures we can keep this amazing project going year after year.

Learn more about Decoded!
- Read our Issue #2 Letter From the Editors!
- Check out our variant covers for Issue #2: “Simulacra” by Dani Kinney, “Nebula” by Sara Century and Tana Thornock, “Hellfire Galpals” by Jeffrey Brown.
- Learn why we started this cool project!
Check out our schedule of stories and comics:
All thirty stories and comics are listed below, in the order they will be published.
Download an e-reader friendly schedule: 2021-Decoded-ScheduleDownload
June 1 │ “Re: The Abomination That Sprung From My Mind” by Jennifer Tran
June 2 │ “Suga and CC” by Maurice Moore
June 3 │ “Neck and Neck” by Hay Mulholland
June 4 │ “Love, Satan” by J.D. Harlock
June 5 │ “Anomalous” by S.E. Fleenor
June 6 │ “Homebodies” by Arwen Meereboer
June 7 │ “Sisters of the Whispering Inferno” by Kayleigh Hearn
June 8 │ “Delan at the Shrine” by Dora Dee Rogers
June 9 │ “Volcanic Glass” by Kai Hudson
June 10 │ “Not Alone” by Nireleet
June 11 │ “An Offering to the Sun” by dave ring
June 12 │ “The Hunting Ground” by AJ Hartson
June 13 │ “The Other Boy and the Lake” by Leon Locke
June 14 │ “The Beacon of Influencership” by Monika Estrella Negra
June 15 │ “Vivicus” by Shaya French
June 16 │ “Agents of CLAW” by Jeffrey Brown + Ink
June 17 │ “The Door Knocker” by Christopher Luis-Jorge
June 18 │ “More Efficient Than A Guillotine” by S.B. Edwards
June 19 │ “Soil and Starlight” by Gio E.
June 20 │ “Necessary Evils of Survival” by Yuna Briggs
June 21 │ “Slipping, but Not Falling” by Sara Century
June 22 │ “Doctors, Mothers, Soldiers, Ghosts” by V. Astor Solomon
June 23 │ “Emma, Vick, and Mary” by Silena Nikolopoulou
June 24 │ “Determined” by Ciko Sidzumo
June 25 │ “Deepest Chinatown” by Emmalia Harrington
June 26 │ “Two Strong Arms to Defend Myself” by Peter Vulfranc
June 27 │ “In a Place Like This” by Robin Quinn
June 28 │ “Molt” by Elijah Marrone
June 29 │ “The Illiad, Improved” by AriadneTzn
June 30 │ “A Murder of Crows” by Akil Wingate