So much of being in the world as a queer person is learning how to read queer coding–from the way LGBTQ+ folks code ourselves through style and dress to the way LGBTQ+ folks have been represented as other in film, tv, literature, and pop culture. While coding has long been a way that many LGBTQ+ creators have been able to “sneak” queerness, queer stories, and queer characters into mainstream stories, there is also a need for narratives that are explicitly queer.
The only problem is that mainstream readership, publishing, and pop culture tend to be resistant to many queer stories, whether because of outright queer antagonism or due to a lack of understanding and facility with queer issues and ideas.

That’s why we created Decoded, a science fiction, fantasy, and horror story-a-day anthology for Pride month. We wanted to both honor the history of queer coding in genre fiction and create a new space for creators who create works that aren’t (solely) queer coded. (Read more about our story here.)
This June, we invite you to join us in decoding queer scifi, fantasy, and horror through 30 original stories–one for every day of Pride month.
You can buy a subscription now for only $15. That’s about 50 cents per story or comic–and our editors can attest that these are high quality, thoughtful, exciting, and revolutionary stories and comics.
And the best part? Every subscription we sell helps support LGBTQ+ creators this year and as we expand this project in the future. That’s pretty damn cool.