Genre TV is probably S.E.’s queer root. I mean, how else were they gonna react when they saw Xena and Gabrielle for the first time? But life veered S.E. away from genre and into “serious” studies for several years. It took S.E. a spell to get back to scifi, fantasy, horror, and comics, but when they returned they did so with a force.
From the first time they read Unicorns in the Rain, S.E. has been enraptured with genre tales, and there’s something delicious and subversive about the way they utilize their Ivory Tower education to create and analyze pop culture works–especially when things get thirsty. *insert splash emoji*
From editing essays, novels, and memoirs to teaching writing workshops to writing for sites like Xtra Magazine, Electric Literature, them.us, and SYFY Wire, S.E. has learned what they really love about scifi, fantasy, and horror: How genre uniquely represents an opportunity to grapple with real world issues in an unreal setting in such a way that elucidates both.
Their writing appears in Class Lives: Stories from Across the Economic Divide as well as many other publications. S.E. has also served as a juror for the Excellence in Graphic Literature Award and helped dozens of authors elevate their writing independently, for a firm out of NYC, and as managing editor of Bella Media Channel. (Check out their website and writing.)
S.E. loves to read anything weird, anything with a heart of gold, and anything that doesn’t tie things up in a nice bow at the end. Their love for scifi, fantasy, horror, and comics knows no bounds. S.E. is in the process of creating approximately one billion projects, many of which they share with their creative partner Sara. Read more about the most recent two at these links: Bitches on Comics and Decoded.
And make sure to read this essay about the genesis of the Decoded name and project.