Decoded Pride Issue #3 is no longer available to read online, but never fear: all 30 stories, comics, and illustrations are still available for purchase in a stunning full-color PDF!
Support independent queer art by buying PDFs of Decoded #1,#2, and #3 in the Queer Spec store today!
If you hadn’t heard, we are pleased to share that our full-color, professionally designed PDF is now available! Laid out in stunning full-color with an interactive table of contents that allows you to jump to any story (making it easy to pick up where you left off), Decoded Pride Issue #3’s PDF comes in at a whopping 242 pages and includes all three variant covers, three comics, and 27 stories with original illustrations by Sara Century (unless otherwise stated). Access it on your computer or pull it up on your tablet or phone to read it on the go!
Don’t miss the anthology that WWAC said “find[s] truth and heartbreak, laughter, tears, and joy.” Of Issue #3, Locus Mag said “the focus on LGBTQ+ identifying creators means that readers looking for queer stories, or wanting to support projects highlighting queer authors, can do much worse than checking out this annual anthology.” (Check out all our other great press here!)
Our entire administrative team and all of our creators are queer and trans, so when you support Decoded Pride, you’re supporting queer and trans people to pursue our dreams, tell our stories our way, and speak directly to our audiences without having to water down our messages.
If you haven’t subscribed yet, make sure to get access to all 30 speculative stories and comics both online and in our full-color PDF (available for download now) at the Queer Spec store!
Subscribers, please login to access the links for your included full-color PDF versions below.