Queer Spec is pleased to reveal another cover for Decoded Pride Issue #2!
“Hellfire Galpals” by Jeffrey Brown is a playful, wicked piece about motorcycle riders galpalin’ their way through infernal skies! It explores queerness as magical, mystical, divine, and diabolical.
We are delighted to have Jeffrey back as one of our cover artists this year! (Check out last issue’s art and pick up a subscirption to Decoded Pride Issue #1 (2020) while you’re here!)
You can support Jeffrey, all of our creators, and this independent queer project by buying a subscription to Decoded Issue #2 today, ensuring we can keep this amazing project going year after year.

Jeffrey Brown (they/them) is a DIY cartoonist who makes Mini-Comics, Webcomics, and Zines. They like to make Messy Retro Jack Kirby looking comics with Lots of Characters who have messy lives. They currently do a little work as a freelance artist.
We’ll be back early next week with one more cover reveal! Make sure to follow us on Twitter at: @queerspec or on Instagram at: @queer_spec to keep up with all the latest Decoded Pride news!