Decoded Pride Issue #2 is now available for pre-order! You can purchase your subscription to all 30 original queer speculative stories and comics, all from queer creators today and make sure you don’t miss out on anything from us!
Your subscription includes access to the stories as they’re released every day of June! We’ll also send you a full-color PDF of all 30 comics and stories and their accompanying art after the end of the month–and yes, we’ll even give you formatted versions of the issue that are eReader friendly!

Have you seen our new website?
We recently launched our new website as the home for all of our projects including Decoded Pride and our Queer Spec store (where you can buy subscriptions to Decoded Pride). It’s our effort to make the internet a little queerer, a little weirder, and a little friendlier.
We’ve also started announcing our new SUPER SECRET project…learn more by checking out our website! 😉